10th September 2019

No Game - - vs Layabouts - -
Hampshire 0 2,860 vs Giants 5 12,230 Hampshire +
Ian Champion 120 vs. Roy Le Page 3,840
Julian Ford 530 vs. Tom Oliver 2,360
Paul Le Gallez 0 vs. Luke Oliver 2,250
S Broughton 990 vs. Terry Kenny 2,380
Darren Pipet 1,220 vs. Bob Le Moignan 1,400
Breakaways - - vs No Game - -

17th September 2019

Hampshire - - vs No Game - -
Breakaways 0 8,060 vs Layabouts 5 17,210 Rangers Club +
Darren Ogier 3,130 vs. Mat Ogier 7,070
Matt Wilcox 1,070 vs. Norman Wilkinson 5,380
Geoff Ogier 1,370 vs. Paul Dyer 1,740
Leon Ogier 1,910 vs. Ben Wilding 2,190
Leon Ogier * 580 vs. Ashley Harrison 830
* Player took the place of a team member unable to play.
No Game - - vs Giants - -

24th September 2019

No Game - - vs Giants - -
Layabouts - - vs No Game - -
Hampshire 3 13,950 vs Breakaways 2 4,240 Hampshire +
Ian Champion 5,460 vs. Darren Ogier 620
Gary Naftel 5,510 vs. Matt Wilcox 680
Paul Le Gallez 2,220 vs. Geoff Ogier 0
S Broughton 760 vs. Leon Ogier 1,400
Darren Pipet 0 vs. Matt Wilcox * 1,540
* Player took the place of a team member unable to play.

1st October 2019

Breakaways - - vs No Game - -
Giants 3 19,340 vs Layabouts 2 7,390 La Fontaine Inn +
Tom Oliver 1,690 vs. Norman Wilkinson 1,370
Roy Le Page 980 vs. Mat Ogier 1,510
Luke Oliver 8,750 vs. Bob Chapple 1,830
Terry Kenny 6,550 vs. Ben Wilding 390
Bob Le Moignan 1,370 vs. Ashley Harrison 2,290
No Game - - vs Hampshire - -

8th October 2019

Layabouts 1 5,280 vs Hampshire 4 15,100 Ex Service +
Mat Ogier 610 vs. Ian Champion 3,380
Norman Wilkinson 0 vs. Gary Naftel 7,300
Paul Dyer 700 vs. Paul Le Gallez 1,950
Ben Wilding 2,810 vs. S Broughton 760
Ashley Harrison 1,160 vs. Darren Pipet 1,710
Giants 5 23,480 vs Breakaways 0 8,310 La Fontaine Inn +
Karl Ogier 6,190 vs. Matt Wilcox 650
Roy Le Page 5,820 vs. Darren Ogier 4,310
Luke Oliver 7,410 vs. Geoff Ogier 770
Terry Kenny 2,880 vs. Leon Ogier 1,430
Bob Le Moignan 1,180 vs. Steve Carre 1,150

15th October 2019

Layabouts - - vs No Game - -
Giants 5 22,210 vs Hampshire 0 6,370 La Fontaine Inn +
Tom Oliver 6,110 vs. Ian Champion 1,780
Roy Le Page 2,140 vs. Darren Pipet 500
Luke Oliver 4,820 vs. Gary Naftel 1,100
Terry Kenny 7,370 vs. Paul Le Gallez 2,150
Bob Le Moignan 1,770 vs. S Broughton 840
No Game - - vs Breakaways - -